Download the Netflix app to watch movies and series

Download the Netflix app to watch movies and series

Download the Netflix app to watch movies and series Netflix is ​​a service with lots of great content. 

However, they are not cheap. The basic subscription costs $10 per month, which isn't a bad thing, however, if you want to expand the offering options, it will be more expensive. 

There are lots of "flagship" plans that let you access new or old content - all for a fee, for example, the standard plan lets you stream on only one screen at a time. 

The "paid" plan removes this limitation and gives you superior quality and excellent sound, in addition to the ability to watch on three screens simultaneously and download shows for offline viewing at no additional cost. 

What if you put your heart on a certain show or movie? You can pay up to $19 per month just for this piece of content! That's why we've put together these tips for getting great deals on Netflix so you don't spend a fortune watching your favorite shows and movies.

Try the ad-supported version of Netflix for free 

One of the easiest ways to get good deals on Netflix is ​​to try the ad-supported version of the service for free. 

This version of the app is exactly the same as the standard subscription, you only see a few ads before and after each show, the difference is only in the price. 

Instead of paying $10 per month, you can get an ad-supported version of Netflix completely free. 

This can be a great way to watch movies on Netflix for absolutely no cost, however, it's important to be aware of the limitations of this service, the first being that you can only use it on one device at a time, and the second is that you don't get a series of shows and movies. 

the same as a paid subscription. Most of the content is old shows and movies

Watch your favourite movies through the Netflix app

Netflix releases a lot of original content, including new seasons from popular shows, when a new season of the TV series is released, Netflix usually hosts a launch party where it invites people to watch the show together, sometimes these viewing parties include gifts and competitions, if you watch Stranger Things 3 on launch day, for example, you may have a chance to win an exclusive prize.

Another great way to get a good deal on Netflix is to watch the movie during the promotion, if a new season is coming, for example, you may be able to watch it at a discount or even for free, before signing up, check their website and social media channels to see what offers are available, you may be able to get a great deal in your favourite show.

Try another streaming service before signing up for Netflix

One of the best ways to get a good deal on Netflix is to try another streaming service, there are a lot of streaming services available, such as Amazon Prime Video and Hulu, which offer a 30-day trial, but before signing up for a service, sign up for a free trial and try it out for a month.

This way, you can find out what content is available and how much it costs and whether it is worth signing up, then you can make an informed decision about the service that is best for you based on your viewing habits and what you want from the streaming service, if you subscribe to another service and you don't like it, you can unsubscribe before the trial period ends and you don't lose anything.

Download the Netflix app to watch movies and series

There are so many content and plans on Netflix that it is difficult to find the best of them, sometimes you end up watching a full series in one sitting, and other times you may feel that there are no longer a lot of programs that you like, however, if you know what you are looking for, it will be very easy to find the perfect show that suits your taste. These tips will help you make the most of the Netflix app.
